If you’ve lived in the Seattle area for a bit, you are likely familiar with the region’s rainy and cold weather. Thanks to La Niña, the past few years have brought more precipitation and snow! In 2021, Seattle saw the most snow in 52 years with an 8.9-inch snow day in February. Most homeowners tend to hold off on any home projects or remodeling due to the busy holiday season and, of course, the weather. Rightly so, who wants to deal with all the soggy weather when you can stay cooped up inside a warm home? For homeowners who are willing to remodel during the offseason, you could actually have a few great advantages! Here are some winter tips from our home remodeling specialist.

Negotiate lower bids

The cost of materials and labor is often lower during the winter months because there is less demand for home renovations. This means you may be able to save money by remodeling during the winter.

During the colder season, many contractors also see a bit of a slowdown with new projects and are open to negotiating lower rates. This benefits you and your project as there is more time dedicated to your remodel which, in turn, allows the contractor to stay focused and efficient. Who can say no to a remodel finished ahead of schedule?

Winterize your decks and patio

To winterize a deck, you should take several steps to protect it from the harsh winter weather. This can include cleaning the deck, removing debris, and storing outdoor furniture and decorations. You should also check for any damage and make any necessary repairs to prevent further damage from snow and ice. Additionally, you should consider covering the deck with a tarp or other protective covering to keep it safe from the elements. If you’ve already gotten snow, it may be too late to seal the deck due to heavy moisture that has not gotten a chance to dry out.

You can typically remodel any part of your house during the winter, barring some outdoor parts of your home such as roofing and siding. Outdoor remodels are tougher to execute since the Seattle area stays wet and sees quite a bit of rain. Unless it’s an emergency, we would advise holding off on most outdoor remodels. Winterizing your deck and patio is typically an exception and must be done to protect and extend the life of your outdoor space.

Remodel Areas That Can Help Insulate and Lower Your Heating Bills

Many homeowners see their energy bills increase as the colder weather takes hold. Sometimes, you may even see the energy bill get higher and higher with each passing winter. What could that mean? Typically, that is a sign it’s time to take a look at your windows, attic, and basement for possible heat leaks. In fact, leakage from windows and doors accounts for about 20%-25% of the total heat lost in a home. Repairing or upgrading your windows is a great way to tune up your home during the winter. An even bigger culprit may be your attic. Up to 40% of heat may be lost due to poor insulation. If you notice that the rooms on the upper floor get cold quicker, you may need to inspect your attic and consider repairs and adding new insulation material.

Remodeling your home during the winter can be a good way to save money and improve the functionality and comfort of your home ahead of the warmer weather. Perhaps your heating bill keeps creeping up each winter? Whatever the reason may be, our home remodeling specialists at Johnson Bros can help you plan and tackle the remodel that you’ve been putting off. Request a free consultation today!

Johnson Brothers Construction
3223 N.E. 123rd St. Seattle, WA 98125
